In 2015, a tragedy in the Demore family spawned the growth of a powerful partnership between two long-time childhood friends. Tom Brophy and Joe Demore have been friends since they met in high school. Joe went on to become Warden of the Butler County Jail, and Tom went on to become an Emergency Medicine Physician. They both shared many common interests in life. However, it was after the tragic overdose death of Warden Demore's brother David in June of 2015, during the viewing at the funeral home, that the two formed an alliance and made a promise to use their professional positions to help combat the epidemic, in hopes of saving other families from the same fate.
The Opiate Reform Initiative was formed shortly thereafter. Through education seminars, public speaking events, and reaching out to various members of the community, Dr. Brophy and Warden Demore have continued to fulfill that promise made on that fateful day.